Bringing awareness to social and emotional wellness.
With the broad increase of occurrences in injury-related deaths, such as drug overdoses, homicides, and suicides, the discussion on mental health issues in America is becoming a highly-charged debatable topic. A recent report, has uncovered that there has been a 16% rise in suicides here in Georgia alone. The CDC reports that 54% of reported suicide in the US could not be linked to a mental health diagnosis. Circumstances involving an increase in family/relationships issues, substance abuse, health issues, job or financial troubles pose a threat to one’s well-being. According to experts, “teaching coping skills early promotes emotional and social connectedness” helps to enhance a sense of belonging and support.
D.R.I.P.S. (Discovering Realities in Painting and STE(A)M) is a program that help participants to identify, prioritize, and connect with local social and emotional resources available. Sessions vary based on age and can include but are not limited to a STEMinars, Paint Parties, Cooking Classes, Yoga, and/or Mindfulness Activities. Our ultimate mission is to build a network that cultivates ‘creative healing’ while extending access to life coaching and clinical mental health resources. Each #DRIPSAtlanta experience is led by professionals who provide resources on different topics. Not only is the experience fun and therapeutic, participants are able to create connections with others that help motivate, inspire and empower personal and developmental growth.